Hire reliable React Developers without breaking the bank

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and try them free for 7 days!
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The cheat code to augment your team with vetted and senior React developers


  • Spend months hiring, interviewing, and vetting
  • Pay high local salaries + employment overhead costs
  • Waste hours and hours in calls with unqualified candidates

With ReactSquad

  • Qualified, trained developers ready to start
  • Pay ~half U.S. developer rates
  • Your new developer is shipping code within a week

Ready to get started?

React Developer
5 yrs of Experience
Next.js Developer
8 yrs of Experience
Full-stack Developer
6 yrs of Experience
Remix Developer
6 yrs of Experience
Node.js Developer
9 yrs of Experience
Full-stack Developer
6 yrs of Experience
React Developer
5 yrs of Experience
Next.js Developer
8 yrs of Experience
Full-stack Developer
6 yrs of Experience
Remix Developer
6 yrs of Experience
Match me with a dev
and try them free for 7 days!

Simple & Startup Friendly Pricing:

starting at
/ hour
  • zero-risk replacement guarantee
  • flexible monthly payments
  • 7-day free trial
Book a 7-Day Trial now!

What our customers are saying


ReactSquad promised top-notch fullstack developers in under a week and they delivered on every front.

Their developers understood our complex React/Redux frontend in no time and made a big difference in pushing our project forwards.

10/10, will hire for my next project again.

Philipp Uhl
Co-founder & CTO, Dango

ReactSquad’s engineers joined our project when we needed our team to meet a tight go-live timeframe.

The devs were skilled, collaborative, and a real pleasure to work with.

Max Bergmann
Co-Fonder, Valideffect

I have worked with some strong devs in my career, but the experience I have working with my dev through ReactSquad is 🔥!

I feel invincible as a Co-Founder. So thankful to the team!

Robin Beer
Co-Founder, FastNote.io

I recommend ReactSquad to anyone looking for A-Player engineering talent. We previously worked with Toptal, Lemon.io, and many others, but ReactSquad’s developers were on a whole different level.

Timon Schreiber
Co-founder, Espira GmbH

I have to say, I really like the model you offer. I think having a CTO oversee this kind of work and qualify devs brings needed order to the chaos that is UpWork.

Mark Greene
Founder, Shepherdly

The React Squad team's expertise and guidance accelerated our learning process significantly.
Their in-depth knowledge and clear communication made complex concepts accessible, empowering our developers to make informed decisions and write more efficient, maintainable code.

Blake Bos
Senior Product Designer, ReferralRock

ReactSquad promised top-notch fullstack developers in under a week and they delivered on every front.

Their developers understood our complex React/Redux frontend in no time and made a big difference in pushing our project forwards.

10/10, will hire for my next project again.

Philipp Uhl
Co-founder & CTO, Dango

ReactSquad’s engineers joined our project when we needed our team to meet a tight go-live timeframe.

The devs were skilled, collaborative, and a real pleasure to work with.

Max Bergmann
Co-Fonder, Valideffect

I have worked with some strong devs in my career, but the experience I have working with my dev through ReactSquad is 🔥!

I feel invincible as a Co-Founder. So thankful to the team!

Robin Beer
Co-Founder, FastNote.io

I recommend ReactSquad to anyone looking for A-Player engineering talent. We previously worked with Toptal, Lemon.io, and many others, but ReactSquad’s developers were on a whole different level.

Timon Schreiber
Co-founder, Espira GmbH
Test your new React dev with our 7-day free trial.

Others just talk about how great their developers are without real proof.
We walk the talk and let actions speak.

Book 7-day Trial

Augment your team with our vetted, senior Developers.

We don't match startups with random freelancers.
ReactSquad employs all developers directly, ensuring a level of consistency and quality that freelance platforms can't match.

The Resumé Review

After our CV check, we instantly cut devs who lack outstanding experience.

Communications Screening

We screen for pro-active and clear communication.

Hard Skills Check

90-minute live coding challenge under the watch of a lead developer.

Soft Skills Check

Culture interview and deep
screening done by our CEO.

Deep Technical Interview

Deep technical interview done by our CTO.

4-Week Internal Test Project

We evaluate developers based on actual on-the-job performance,
during a 4-week trial period.

Tech Stack

What we build with.
Redux (incl. Saga)
Styled Components
Redux (incl. Saga)
Styled Components

Book a developer who doesn't need to be micro-managed!

All our developers are:

  • ReactJS Experts
  • Seniors only (5+ years experience)
  • Reliable proactive & communicative
Match me with a dev

ReactSquad promised top-notch fullstack developers in under a week and they delivered on every front.

Their developers understood our complex React/Redux frontend in no time and made a big difference in pushing our project forwards.

10/10, will hire for my next project again.

Philipp Uhl
Co-founder & CTO, Dango

ReactSquad’s engineers joined our project when we needed our team to meet a tight go-live timeframe.

The devs were skilled, collaborative, and a real pleasure to work with.

Max Bergmann

I have worked with some strong devs in my career, but the experience I have working with my dev through ReactSquad is 🔥!

I feel invincible as a Co-Founder. So thankful to the team!

Robin Beer
Co-Founder, FastNote.io

I recommend ReactSquad to anyone looking for A-Player engineering talent. We previously worked with Toptal, Lemon.io, and many others, but ReactSquad’s developers were on a whole different level.

Timon Schreiber
Co-founder, Espira GmbH

ReactSquad promised top-notch fullstack developers in under a week and they delivered on every front.

Their developers understood our complex React/Redux frontend in no time and made a big difference in pushing our project forwards.

10/10, will hire for my next project again.

Philipp Uhl
Co-founder & CTO, Dango

ReactSquad’s engineers joined our project when we needed our team to meet a tight go-live timeframe.

The devs were skilled, collaborative, and a real pleasure to work with.

Max Bergmann

I have worked with some strong devs in my career, but the experience I have working with my dev through ReactSquad is 🔥!

I feel invincible as a Co-Founder. So thankful to the team!

Robin Beer
Co-Founder, FastNote.io

React Hiring guide for SaaS Startups by ReactSquad

React stands as a cornerstone in front-end development, revolutionizing UI creation within single-page applications (SPAs). In the realm of React development, speed and flexibility reign supreme, empowering developers to craft intricate, reusable UI components.

A plethora of languages, libraries, and tools orbit the React ecosystem, enriching its versatility and appeal. JSX, an optional JavaScript syntax extension, simplifies component creation by integrating HTML quotes seamlessly. Redux, another key player, facilitates state management, ensuring consistency across various application environments.

Unraveling the React developer toolkit unveils a myriad of debugging, analysis, and design aids. Browser extensions like React Developer Tools furnish insights into component hierarchies, while real-time error tracking tools such as Sentry bolster application stability.

The burgeoning demand for React.JS expertise underscores the need for savvy hiring strategies. Crafting a formidable React team mandates a comprehensive assessment of technical prowess and soft skills. Beyond perusing resumes, delving into a candidate's React.JS acumen through targeted interview questions proves instrumental.
Technical Proficiency and Soft Skills
Navigating React development demands more than surface-level familiarity. Candidates must exhibit fluency in core JavaScript concepts, leveraging JSX, Virtual DOM, and event handling proficiently. Equally critical is a keen grasp of state management through Redux, ensuring applications maintain coherence across diverse environments.

Assessing a candidate's portfolio and resume unveils their practical experience and adaptability to modern JavaScript paradigms. Beyond technical prowess, soft skills like effective communication, problem-solving aptitude, and a hunger for continuous growth set stellar developers apart.
Finding React Developers
The quest for top-tier React talent transcends geographic boundaries, embracing remote work and global talent pools. Online communities like Stack Overflow and DEV's React enclave serve as fertile ground for sourcing adept developers. Furthermore, React-centric conferences and hackathons foster networking opportunities and talent scouting avenues.
Competitive Compensation
Salaries and freelance rates reflect the premium attached to React.JS expertise. In the US, average ReactJS developer salaries hover around $120,000 annually, with variations across states reflecting regional tech landscapes. Freelance rates, contingent on experience and skill set, can range from $70 to $317 per hour.
Next Steps
As you embark on your hiring journey, prioritize personalized job descriptions tailored to your project's unique demands. Embrace face-to-face and virtual engagement avenues to cultivate connections within the React community. Furthermore, staying abreast of local salary benchmarks ensures your hiring budget aligns with industry standards.

Crafting a robust React team necessitates a holistic approach, melding technical aptitude with interpersonal finesse. By adhering to these guidelines and harnessing the wealth of React resources at your disposal, you're poised to assemble a dynamic team primed for success in the ever-evolving landscape of front-end development.


Frequently Asked Questions